Monday, November 29, 2010




A Note to Readers: The Decision to Publish Diplomatic Documents

“ After its own redactions, The Times sent Obama administration officials the cables it planned to post and invited them to challenge publication of any information that, in the official view, would harm the national interest. After reviewing the cables, the officials — while making clear they condemn the publication of secret material — suggested additional redactions. The Times agreed to some, but not all. The Times is forwarding the administration’s concerns to other news organizations and, at the suggestion of the State Department, to WikiLeaks itself. In all, The Times plans to post on its Web site the text of about 100 cables — some edited, some in full — that illuminate aspects of American foreign policy.”

Editors try to balance the value of the material to public understanding against potential dangers to the national interest. 

On the other hand, we are less likely to censor candid remarks simply because they might cause a diplomatic controversy or embarrass officials.

Of course, most of these documents will be made public regardless of what The Times decides. WikiLeaks has shared the entire archive of secret cables with at least four European publications, has promised country-specific documents to many other news outlets, and has said it plans to ultimately post its trove online. For The Times to ignore this material would be to deny its own readers the careful reporting and thoughtful analysis they expect when this kind of information becomes public.
But the more important reason to publish these articles is that the cables tell the unvarnished story of how the government makes its biggest decisions, the decisions that cost the country most heavily in lives and money. They shed light on the motivations — and, in some cases, duplicity — of allies on the receiving end of American courtship and foreign aid. They illuminate the diplomacy surrounding two current wars and several countries, like Pakistan and Yemen, where American military involvement is growing. As daunting as it is to publish such material over official objections, it would be presumptuous to conclude that Americans have no right to know what is being done in their name.

There are some cables the Guardian will not be releasing or reporting owing to the nature of sourcing or subject matter. Our domestic libel laws impose a special burden on British publishers.

All the publications involved have given early warning to the US government of our intention to publish. Government officials, who are aware of the general subjects we intend to cover, have not disputed the authenticity of the overall material. They have flagged up some specific, and some general, concerns.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Silvio Berlusconi was "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader"

在维基解密的文件中美国驻罗马大使对于贝鲁斯科尼的描述是 feckless, vain, and ineffective,大家觉得这个中文该如何翻译?我查了一下字典,貌似三个字是同义词,她是为了强调老贝是个无用的领导,还是三个词各有所指?或者应该翻译成为 "毫无责任心、空虚、无用" ?

Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was "feckless, vain, and ineffective as a modern European leader", according to Elizabeth Dibble, US charge d'affaires in Rome. Another report from Rome recorded the view that he was a "physically and politically weak" leader whose "frequent late nights and penchant for partying hard mean he does not get sufficient rest"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A freedom and democracy we can buy

I walked around the charred building this afternoon to fulfill a citizen's obligation-show my concern and support.

Police presence, if not count in plain clothes, is less than I expected. How can things go out of control while there is no opposition force and the dictators are equipped with high precision dynamos? Yes they can control the emotion of a billion people, but they cannot control the sparkle from a welder, and a cumbersome bureaucracy.

Ten minutes walk from the site, there are vendors of chrysanthemum flowers, the nearer, the more of them. The street is still covered with flowers, each bundle of flower a non-confidence vote to a government, I perceive.

I will thank all the brave and sometime brazen vendors who made this democracy market, where people can buy a vote. And I will also praise the highly professional Shanghai policemen who kept this market in order. And I also hope on Dec 10th there will be a market of yellow ribbon for another great cause.

Isn't it the case that we used to spend too little on justice and democracy? Or the resources we should have used on a righteous society has been robbed by the Party thugs? 

But Shanghai can afford the democracy, even though some lawyers and judges are brave, some brazen, but we need this bigger democracy market. 

Can we buy out the Party thugs or they buy us out?

Unfortunately as many displacement cases showed, if we are to be buyed out, most probably we are burn out.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



2010/11/18 <jack.j××××@×××××.com>




Yaozhou Zhang <>

2010-11-18 10:42



2010/11/18 <jack.×××××@××××.com>





Yaozhou Zhang <>

201-11-18 10:33




Sunday, November 14, 2010

South Park--My daddy is Li Gang

South Park--My daddy is Li Gang

Suppose Kenny was walking on the pedestrian and was hit to death by a vehicle, the driver was a FAG and was high and also happened to be Dick Cheney's son in law. That FAG killed Kenny as if nothing happened and raised his middle finger to other kids and yelled " My daddy is Li Gang!"

Suppose Dick Cheney had been in bed with principal Victoria, so that principal Victoria ordered Cartman, Kyle and Stan  who witnessed the car accident not to give evidence in court.

Suppose the FAG appeared on Winfrey Ophra and played remorse while Kenny's mother was denied her opportunity to meet any press. 

Suppose Gerald Broflovski take the case for the McCormick family and received a death threat from Dick Cheney.

Suppose Cartman, Kyle and Stan are now discussing about how to bring justice back, Cartman suggest a rally, Stan suggest a petition letter to the most powerful man in the world: Hujintao, and Kyle suggest send Dick Cheney anthrax.

Which of the scenario above is comprehensible to a people in Western society?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

A by-election with Chinese characteristics

There will be a by-election for Pudong No.124 constituency, my constituency, on November 19, 2010.

I will never know this information haven't I been asked by a friend yesterday to find the complain telephone number for the local government's lack of sincerity to address a notorious polluting air emission in midnight.

The government notice was published on Oct, 29th ( but as a permanent resident in this constituency I knew nothing about this by-election until yesterday. So I wrote a letter to the Shanghai People's Congress to express my concerns about my constitutional right. No one comes back to me till now.

This morning I called the election office to request a form to nominate our candidate ( According to the by-election regulation , article sixteen, ten registered voter can jointly nominate a candidate to run for the seat ) , and was told by the chairman of local people's representatives there is no such thing as nomination by voters in this by election, all the candidates are designated, and today is the deadline to have the final list on the ballot.

Isn't it an outright breach of law?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daily Mail 杯具了


He is under pressure to raise the plight of dissident Liu Xiaobo, a jailed Nobel peace prize winner, and artist Ai Weiwei, under house arrest after highlighting plans to demolish Beijing’s Bird’s Nest stadium. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US

Ask buzz:

How do you understand this sentence at the first glance?

"More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US."

1, Ratio of number of balck people jailed in England and Wales to the total number of inmates is higher than that figure in US.

2, Ratio of number of balck people jailed in England and Wales to the whole population is higher than that figure in US.

3, Ratio of number of balck people jailed in England and Wales to the whole balck population is higher than that figure in US.

4, Ratio of black inmates percentage to the black popoulation percentage is higher than that figure in US.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


过完节第一天上班收到 @Fiona Feng 从珠海寄来的明信片,加上诺贝尔和平奖的消息,心情尤其舒畅。
陶渊明的桃花源我已经拥有了(欢迎 buzzler们来桃花源做客),正在寻觅一个可以赚够五斗米的自由职业。

Monday, September 27, 2010

China House of Common Impersonate

I think it will be super fun if we can have a weekly or monthly policy debate on buzz between shadow government which is easily formed on buzz and twitter and the government impersonators whose part is much more difficult to perform than the shadows.

Who would like to impersonate Best Actor?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Call for inquiry and review of the Jiangxi Yihuang tragedy

Facts are all out there, but there are so many questions need to be asked, and a policy review should be undertaken concerning the governance of local authority and the relationship between central and local government.

1, What is the first resort of local authority to resolve such displacement dispute and other disputes with civilians, by coercive and harassing force from the executive branch or by legal procedure?
2, In this case, has any side, the family who refused to move or the executive branch who want to carry on their project, brought it to the court?
3, Why was the deputy county chief in charge on site? Is it because the under officials are incapable to deal with issue of such magnitude; or because it is required by party rule that such level of official should on site; or because that guy cannot manage his subordinates and don't trust his subordinate to handle this issue properly?
4, The airport toilet siege episode happened after the case is under national media spotlight and was broad-casted by social media, has the county chief ever considered whether he is the right person to be in charge on site?  Has he considered about the consequences of such unconstitutional violation or he just had no choice? Is there any zero tolerance party regulation that  chief will be sacked if petitioner arrived Beijing?
5, The corpse seizing episode is totally incomprehensible by a reasonable mind, will the corpse has any magnificent ramification for the whole case? And the party chief is in charge on site!  Is it that CCP members have a higher proportion of necrophilia?
6, Is there any corruption involved in the case?
7, Who is the police chief and who is the president of the court? How did they going along with the three officials who have been sacked? 
8, According to the published sacking list, it is a massive change for the whole local authority, concerning the speed of the decision, is it a prepared list? 
9, After millions if not hundreds of millions of people saw a emotional picture showing a frightened and fragile beautiful girl deported by a government task force team, she was screaming for help in the picture behind a sealed bus window, just as a Jewish on a Nazi train, will head of the state announce whether or not he is prepared to honor and defend the constitution, and call for prosecuting the person who is in charge? 
10, Will the head of the government apologize for the wrongdoing of his government, and make a thorough review of the management and control of his government? 

Monday, August 16, 2010






Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When will America outsource its campaigns?

President Obama concerns about the influence from foreign governments or companies after Citizen United. But he seems forget the influence from foreign people.

With internet, people around the world are influencing each other, I can still remember my American friends asked me in 2008 about who do I think is a better candidate, the answer  is obvious at that time, there was an Obama fad worldwide. I don't know how in the end such people to people communication will affect my friends decision in the ballot station, let's just imagine a young American who has facebook friends from Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle East, and they all prefer one candidate, how will he/she feel?

However, internet can be the most powerful tool to distort the political process, especially when it is under control by undemocratic government, or provided by maga-company such as google or facebook.

I guess in the next campaign, some of the internet campaign effort will be outsourced to countries such as India or even China. 

Monday, July 26, 2010



不过按照目前CCP的脑退化程度,说不定哪天真的会有主教要求把Three New Bee写上官网以示红朝天威哦。

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

If you are David Cameron, what will you respond to this question?

In PMQ on July 14th, John Bercow stopped an otherwise might be funny answer from DC. He said:" Order. Much as it might be fascinating to hear the Prime Minister's reply, I do not think it is a matter of Government responsibility at all."

I just wonder if you are David Cameron, what will you respond to this question?

The question is "The BBC Trust has described BBC 1 and BBC 2 as boring. Does my right hon. Friend agree that the gaiety of the nation would be immeasurably enhanced by the televising of a 17-part psychodrama called "New Labour", with Lord Mandelson playing himself?"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My question 2 the gu

My question 2 the gun barrel:When did you last kill a man? The answer is 21 years before. Please sing along with Dylan's rythm.

Governor of a Chines

Governor of a Chinese backwater province intimidating journalist b4 audience on her question about an anti-rape hero,victim of his officials

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Imagine Sir Humphrey

Imagine Sir Humphrey ordered Hacker stop bullying Bernard? It happens to Gordon share in google translator toolkit

Study UK Governance by Yes Minister

Learn UK Governance by Yes Minister

MP's aren't chosen by the people,
but by their local party.

00:06:28,720 --> 00:06:31,029
But they are the people's

00:06:31,200 --> 00:06:32,599
democratically chosen.

00:06:32,760 --> 00:06:36,389
MP's aren't chosen by the people,
but by their local party.

00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:40,394
35 men in grubby raincoats
or35 women in silly hats.

00:06:41,160 --> 00:06:43,958
But the government are selected
from the best of them.

00:06:44,160 --> 00:06:47,709
Bernard, there are only 630 MP's.

00:06:48,120 --> 00:06:51,635
If one party has just over300
it forms a government.

00:06:51,920 --> 00:06:55,037
Of that 300, one hundred
are too old and too silly,

00:06:55,200 --> 00:06:57,156
one hundred too young
and too callow

00:06:57,320 --> 00:06:59,880
which leaves just about
a hundred MP's to fill

00:07:00,040 --> 00:07:01,837
one hundred gobernmental posts.

00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,672
There's no choice al all.

00:07:03,840 --> 00:07:06,400
They've had no selection,
no training.

00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:09,028
We have to do the job forthem.